Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Food Meme

From Squidoo's Food meme.

Are you a good cook? Very.

What is your speciality? Chicken Gumbo.

What was the last meal you ate? Pasta with ground turkey marinara sauce. Raw carrots. Braeburn apples dribbled with Menifee County molasses. Promised land 2% milk.

Last night was a venison lentil stew with garam masala and curry seasonings. The fresh venison was courtesy of a generous cousin's hunt on Sunday.

Do you eat breakfast? Yes, EVERY day.

Name a food you dislike? Liver, sea urchin, anything horribly fatty, anything really fishy tasting. Haggis isn't all that bad, though.

What is your favorite fast food restaurant? Chick-fil-A. Also Panera Bread Company, which isn't strictly fast food but has drive through sandwiches that are awesome.

Where do you like to eat with friends? Friends make any food and any place better.

Hmm. Picnic on a gazebo in the rain sounds nice.

Pancakes or French toast? Belgian waffles, actually. But both of those are good, too.

Are you a coffee drinker? Or tea? Both! If you went through my pantry and freezer, you'd find at least 6 different coffees and 25 different teas.

How do you like your eggs? As quiche. Also, I keep hard-boiled eggs on hand for snacks (throw away the yolk and the white is only 25 calories).

I also make a breakfast dish from eggs, rice, vegetables, fresh basil and any available breakfast meat. It's vaguely related to Chinese fried rice.

What kind of jam do you like on your peanut butter sandwich? Strawberry, blueberry or raspberry.

What's your favorite ice-cream? Butter Brickle.

If someone surprised you with a meal, what would please you most? Most impressive would be Lobster Thermidor. But anything that showed a little creativity and a little effort would be sweet-- I'm really not that hard to please.

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